The young adults who participate in the Heart of Morton program have been prepared for independance during their high school experience. They come to us ready to continue to develop those skills of punctuality, following instructions, and working in a task enviornment. Our goal is to demonstrate these young adults can be part of your business team if provided the opportunity.

The life blood of Heart of Morton is dedicated volunteers of all ages and relationships. This loyal group of supporters are vital to the success of our mission. You can open the document above and send to us at morton.heart.of.morton@gmail.com if you would like to become involved.
Does your school or church have a service project program? Heart of Morton can help you achieve those goals in a meaningful and rewarding way. Opportunities are varied and scheduling is flexible. Contact us to learn more.
As you plan within your teams to advance the goals of your students IEP, consider Heart of Morton as a valuable resource. We can assist with those young audlts who are transitioning from your program by becoming engaged in the IEP reviews at the appropriate time. We can also be a consideration for parents as they build the vision for their child's future.